TT7000 TrueTouch® Multi-Touch All-Points Touchscreen Controller
- Tablets
- Industrial Touchscreens
- Automotive Touchscreens
Key Features
- Multi-touch capacitive touchscreen controller
- Screen sizes up to 12.6-inch diagonal with a 5-mm sensor pitch (Larger screen sizes supported with extended sensor pitch)
- Register configurable
- Integrated low power Arm® Cortex®-M0+ processor
- Reports up to 10 fingers
- Noise suppression technologies for battery charger and display
- Waterproofing and multi-finger, wet-finger tracking with DualSense™
- Multi-touch glove: 10 fingers with thin gloves (1mm thick or less) and thick gloves (3mm thick or less)
- 2.5-mm Passive stylus support with palm rejection
- Automatic baseline to track environmental changes
- Refresh rate up to 120Hz
- Supports Force sensing
- Supports Side Touch
- Easy-Wake gestures for low-power screen wake up
- Parade Technologies TrueTouch® Manufacturing Test Solution
Power Supply
- 1.8V to 3.3V digital and I/O supply
- 3V analog supply
- 24-mW average power consumption
Communication Interface
- I2C slave at 100 and 400kbps
- 128-pin, 14 x 14 x 1.2-mm TQFP package (88-touchscreen I/Os)
- 118-ball, 6 x 6 x0.6-mm μFBGA package (88-touchscreen I/Os)
- 70-pin, 7 x 7 x 0.6-mm QFN package (54-touchscreen I/Os)