Parade and its employees are required to comply with all domestic and international health, safety, and labor laws and regulations.
All personnel are employed voluntarily without threat coerced employment and with the freedom to resign voluntarily at any time without recourse.
We do not employ child labor, approve of verbally abuse, or allow coercion of employees. We also do not engage in or support discrimination in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination, or retirement based on race, national or social origin, caste, birth, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, marital status, political opinions, age, or any other condition that could give rise to discrimination.
We comply with all wage relevant domestic and international regulations, and clearly disclose related management matters and documents to employees.
We actively enable and ensure the health, safety, and cleanliness of the work environment.
Active focus is maintained on environmentally friendly product designs and compliance with global environmental protection regulations.
We routinely use many internal and external communication channels in our daily business. Open communication is strongly encouraged between employees, customers, management, and investors. We periodically disclose the achievement or policies to external interest party through company web site, e-mail, or public announcement.
The Company expects and accepts only the highest moral standards and employee integrity. Bribery, corruption, and artifice are strictly prohibited. The Company maintains the necessary policies and procedures to prevent, detect, and monitor such prohibited behavior. We respect and protect customer and corporate partner information and ensure the confidentiality of messages. We do not directly or indirectly make use of conflict metal from banned counties.
The Company respects and protects the intellectual property, proprietary information, and confidential data of its customers, partners, and suppliers. Accordingly, Nondisclosure and Confidentiality Agreements are often executed between Parade and other parties.
Parade takes measures to avoid the use of Conflict Minerals, including requiring suppliers to conduct due diligence to confirm conformance and to provide investigative reports. Parade will work with the supply, if necessary, to find alternative sources for the Conflict Metals if they exist in the supplier’s product. Parade gives close attention to the issue of conflict metals, following international convention, with social responsibility and preserving the rights of customers and as our objectives.
Parade defines stakeholders as internal or external individuals or organizations that can influence Parade, or that can be influenced by Parade. Using this definition, we identify Parade’s stakeholders to include employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, and investors.
Stakeholder communication and engagement is integral to our sustainability strategy, and such actions ensure that we address current and emerging opportunities and risks in the markets in which we operate. Parade has established multiple transparent and effective communication channels with our stakeholders that help us to clarify priorities and develop policies. We also gain valuable feedback on how external stakeholders perceive our performance on sustainability issues.
In keeping with our commitment towards open communication with stakeholders, we welcome your comments regarding our performance toward corporate social responsibility.
Parade Technologies, Ltd. CSR Team